Development Economic Empowerment Trust

A unified voice to intergrated holistic empowerment

Our Purpose

To be the organisation that represents the unified voice of people of men, women, boys and girls who are economically, socially and or physically incapacitated.

Our Goal

To become the primary driver of Development and Economic Empowerment in the world.

Driving Development and Economics Empowerment

Our Objectives

Source, seek and accept donations or subscriptions and to raise and receive funds in cash or kind, whether movable property for the purposes and objectives of……
The provision of business courses, entrepreneurship training, business administration services and technical advice in business or those aspiring to be involved in commerce.
Lobbying for supportive legislation and mechanism, for those people in business or aspiring to be in business.
Starting up and managing income generating projects in primary and secondary industries such as farming, mining, manufacturing, tourism and retailing.
To promote and develop rural business activities like sculpture making, dressmaking, traditional medicine manufacture, peanut butter and vegetable oil manufacturing.
To develop and expose talent and creative expression through nurturing in extracurricular activities such as sports, drama, arts, creative writing and music.
To promote and support sports and the arts as a means of achieving economic empowerment.

Empowering the Men, Women, Boys and Girls in Zimbabwe